Aquatic fungi from north Maharashtra Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? ix. The mitosporic genus ellisembia subramanian | Abstract
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Aquatic fungi from north Maharashtra Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? ix. The mitosporic genus ellisembia subramanian

Author(s): Patil V. R.*, Patil S. Y., Borse B. D.


The present article deals with two species of the mitosporic genus Ellisembia Subramanian viz., Ellisembia adscendens (Berk.) Subramanian and Ellisembia repentioriunda Goh & Hyde isolated from submerged woody debris in freshwater habitats. The first species is being recorded for the first time from freshwater habitats in India and latter species forms a new report to the fungi of India. The data provides information on the distribution of these fungi in India, apart from description and illustrations.

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