Aptamer and its role in diagnostics | Abstract
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Aptamer and its role in diagnostics

Author(s): Abhishek Parashar


Aptamers are new class of recognizing agents which are being used in diagnostics and therapeutics. They are single strand DNA or RNA molecules and are selected against targets by systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) method. This method was developed in 1990 by Turk and Gold. These days high through put version of SELEX is being used for quick selection of aptamer, working on same principle that was developed in 1990. It is believed that in near future aptamers could replace monoclonal antibody. The biggest advantage of using aptamers is that the process is in vitro in nature and does not require the use of animals; further properties of aptamers are comparable or even better than antibodies. Aptamers based sensors can be used for detection of toxic chemicals, pathogens, antibiotics etc. Although they are in the preliminary stages of development, results are encouraging and it seems that aptamer research has a very bright future.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.02.007

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