Antioxidant and nutritional analysis of edible cucurbitaceae vegetables of India. | Abstract
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Antioxidant and nutritional analysis of edible cucurbitaceae vegetables of India.

Author(s): Chunduri J. R.


Nutrition related problems are on rise in the under developed and developing countries and require immediate attention. The physical and mental health of a person solely lies on the consumption of nutritious food. Vegetables are rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals and also good antioxidants. Momardica charantia (Descourt), Momardica dioica (Roxb), Trichosanthes dioica (Roxb) and Coccinia indica (Wight & Arn) are considered for studying their nutritional composition by using standard analytical procedures due to their availability all over India. The proximate and ultimate analyses such as moisture, ash content, fats, proteins, reduced sugars, dietary fibres, minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorus), vitamins ( folic acid and vitamin C) and total phenols have been assessed. Considerable variations have been noticed in their nutritive values, minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus) and vitamin C, Folic acid compositions. Good concentrations of Pectin (5.04g/100g), Magnesium (48.6mg/100g), and Vitamin C (16.6mg/100g) were observed in M. charantia and of fats (2.28g/100g) and Total phenols (2,15x10GAE/l) in M. dioica. T. dioica had high concentration of minerals such as Iron (218mg/100g), and Calcium (115.7x10mg/100g) and good concentrations of protein (1.17g/100g). High concentrations of Phosphorous (24.11mg/100g) were observed in C. indica. Total phenol concentrations (>50.0x10mg GAE/g) and DPPH and FRPA assays indicated the antioxidant potential of these vegetables. These can be considered as alternate natural nutrient supplements and medically useful for common man.

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