An additional extensor Carpi radialis longus muscle and its clinical significance. | Abstract
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An additional extensor Carpi radialis longus muscle and its clinical significance.

Author(s): Kalyan Chakravarthi


Muscular variations of the extensor compartment of the forearm are unusual and can result in multiple clinical conditions. During a routine cadaveric dissection of the extensor compartment of the forearm, an unusual additional extensor carpi radialis longus muscle was noted on the left side of a middle aged male cadaver. It was also noted that, the radial nerve was passing between the two extensor carpi radialis longus muscles after piercing the additional extensor carpi radialis longus muscle. Such course of radial nerve makes it highly vulnerable to compression and injury, which may manifest as wrist drop, or radial compression of posterior interosseous nerve. Thus the additional extensor carpi radialis longus muscle found in this case can be used in the surgical rehabilitation of patients with paralytic disorders or tendon reconstruction surgeries. Proper knowledge of such neuro muscular variations is clinically essential in operative procedures and appropriate treatment for compressive neuropathies.

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