Adenosine deaminase activity in hiv positive cases. | Abstract
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Adenosine deaminase activity in hiv positive cases.

Author(s): Lingidi Jhansi Lakshmi, Doddigarla Zephy*, Madrol Vijaya Bhaskar


Adenosine deaminase (ADA) converts adenosine and deoxyadenosine to toxic metabolites inosine and 2’deoxyinosine. ADA is responsible for the maturation and proper function of cell mediated immunity. Depletion of CD4 T-lymphocytes in HIV infection which is a hallmark makes a pavement for a variety of diseases and malignancies. To ascertain the ADA activity in before ART and after ART treated HIV-positive patients and its variation in comparison to controls within this locality. Total 50 HIV positive subjects and 27 HIV Seronegative healthy individuals were recruited into the study. CD4 counts were estimated to the HIV positive subjects and ADA activity was assessed to both the group individuals. In general the study ‘p’ value of ADA activity demonstrated highly significant when controls vs before treatment (ART) HIV positive subjects and controls vs after treatment (ART) HIV positive subjects were compared. Among untreated HIV positive subjects had significantly higher ADA activity [males (27.7±5.5 U/L vs females (14.6±4.2 U/L), P < 0.0001] than ART treated [males (14.3±3.4 U/L vs females (10.4±2.5 U/L), P < 0.0001]. In HIV infected individuals low ADA activity with low CD4 count is dangerous. HIV Seropositive subjects should be constantly assessed the ADA activity to know the prognosis of the disease and also the status of their immune status more prominently males. Nevertheless ADA activity also guides when to start the ART treatment regimen. Hence helpful in extending the life span of HIV infected individuals to some extent.

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