Abolition of postoperative vomiting with metoclopramide ondansetron and granisetron: a comparative study. | Abstract
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Abolition of postoperative vomiting with metoclopramide ondansetron and granisetron: a comparative study.

Author(s): Chakravarthy K.*, Raghuveer B., Aruna D., Sarath Babu K.


Post-operative vomiting is one of the most common and distressing side effect encountered by patients following anesthetic and surgical procedure. Antiemetic drugs were administered before to prevent the post-operative vomiting. This study conducted to compare the efficacy of three different antiemetics. Total 75 patients was selected and randomly divided in to three groups. Group-I was treated with Metoclopramide, Group-II Ondansetron and Group-III Granisetron. The antiemetic activity of drugs compared at 0-4h, 4-8h, 8-16h and 16-24h time intervals. At 0-4h showed significant incidence of vomiting in Metoclopramide drug compared to other drugs. No incidence of vomiting observed at different time intervals in Granisetron administered patients. There is no significant difference in demographic and hemodynamic parameters compared three drugs at different time intervals. In this study observations showed Granisetron significantly prevent the post-operative vomiting compared to Metoclopramide and Ondansetron.

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