A survey on home generated medical wastes during Hajj event | Abstract
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A survey on home generated medical wastes during Hajj event

Author(s): Abdullah Faisal Alsebaei*


Medical waste is mainly generated from activities at health care facilities, but may also be generated at homes and crowded communities such as Hajj event (pilgrimage). In these cases, they would become harmful and threaten the health of pilgrims and visitors. The study was carried out to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, practice regarding home generated medical wastes among pilgrims and to estimate the prevalence of the most common types of these hazardous wastes during Hajj event in pilgrims’ hotels. Questionnaire survey was conducted using a cross sectional design among a random sample population and the respondents were questioned about the types of medical waste they had generated. About 56% of the respondents had low knowledge about any awareness program related to home generated medical waste while 73.7% of them had positive attitude and were ready to respond to the any orientation or educational program regarding medical waste management. The answers of participants were varied regarding their hygienic practice towards medical wastes depending on the type of the medical waste; masks, bandages, residues of medicines and needles with ratio of 65.5%, 61.2%, 58.1% and 51.4%, respectively. The total home generated medical wastes during Hajj event were estimated to be 155.1 tons with a ratio of 14.1 tons/day and 6 g/pilgrim/day. Of these wastes, 42.3% were gloves, 16.6% were masks, 8.9% were medicines residues and 7.3% were gauze. The most common medicine residues were found to be glucose bottles (12.5%) and IV fluids (11.6%). It was concluded that Hajj pilgrims had positive attitude to respond to the any orientation program. The rate of generation of home solid medical waste generated during Hajj is estimated to be high; therefore it is recommended that community awareness initiatives, educational and proper training programs should be launched among housekeepers and the residents of hotels and buildings on the safe methods of disposal of home generated medical wastes during seasons.

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