A survey of public knowledge and behavior related to antibiotic use and resistance in community pharmacies in Khartoum state | Abstract
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A survey of public knowledge and behavior related to antibiotic use and resistance in community pharmacies in Khartoum state

Author(s): Salah I Kheder*, Itemad A Ayed


Antibiotic use is reviewed as a key driver for increase and spread of antibiotic resistance. The public play a key role in the emergency and spread of bacterial resistance. Patients' behavior, associated to their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, may influence antibiotic prescribing. This survey explores knowledge, behavior and expectations of Sudanese general public with respect to antibiotic use and resistance. Method: A quantitative, cross-sectional survey based on a structured questionnaire include a sample of 300 participants represents the general public from Khartoum State interviewed during a 2- month period, from the 1st February to 31th of March in 2012. Statements on behavior and attitudes indicated that (70.0%) of respondents use antibiotics to get rid of the cold. (34.0%) of them agreed to stop taking antibiotics when feel better and (54.0%) left over antibiotics. Over half of the respondents (64.0%) had correct knowledge that antibiotics are effective against bacteria, but (40.0%) believe that antibiotics are effective against viruses. (82.0%) knew that bacteria can be resistant to antibiotics, and (72.0%) acknowledged that the use of antibiotics can increase the bacterial resistance. Most of the respondents (78.0%) obtained their information on antibiotic use from pharmacy personnel. Non-affordability of doctors’ fees is the main reason for the patients surveyed (30.0%) to seek antibiotics in pharmacies. Our findings highlight the need to devise effective interventions to deal with self-medication with antibiotics in Sudan.

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