A study on the prevalence and frequency rates of iron deficiency anemia among patients in el. Khorma province, western Saudi Arabia | Abstract
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A study on the prevalence and frequency rates of iron deficiency anemia among patients in el. Khorma province, western Saudi Arabia

Author(s): Dr. Muataz, A. Abdalla*, Sabry H Hassanin


The objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence and frequency rates of iron deficiency anemia among patients attending to a large special medical clinic called Al. Elaj in El. Khorma Province, Western Saudi Arabia. A total of 300 blood specimen of patients 83.3% females and 16.6% males, all aged (18-44 years), were examined for complete blood count (CBC), hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, iron profile and the hemoglobin electrophoresis. Based on hemoglobin levels, the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 34.7 % (33% females and 1.7% males). For the two groups of the study, mainly the iron deficiency anemia was found. By severity of anemia, mild anemia showed the highest prevalence (63.5%) followed by moderate anemia (25.9%) and severe anemia (10.6%). According to age groups, the highest prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was found in (27-35) age group which was being (41.3 and 4.8%) in females and males respectively, with statistically significant difference between females and males (p < 0.05). In the mean hemoglobin and hematocrit levels in anemia cases, the highest mean value was recorded in males being (10.23±1.3) and (34.8±4.09) for hemoglobin and hematocrit respectively. Mean (±SD) value for red blood cells (RBC), serum iron, serum ferritin and Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) in anemic cases were (4.17±0.4, 4.6±0.29), (31.6±4.7, 37.25±1.7), (10.7±4.6, 33.27±7.5) and (363.4±41.3, 358.8±44.8) in females and males respectively. Thus, the results of this study illustrated that iron deficiency anemia is highly prevalent (34.7%) among adults, especially in females (33%) in the study area.

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