A study on health hygiene among school children in rural field practice area of Ajims Mangalore in Karnataka: India... | Abstract
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A study on health hygiene among school children in rural field practice area of Ajims Mangalore in Karnataka: India...

Author(s): Kaviraj Motakpalli*, Amrutha Swati Indu, Siddesh Basavaraj Sirwar, Jayaalakshmi K. N., Bendigeri N., Deepak C. Jamadar


The Millennium Development Goals have firmly established the issues of “water, sanitation, and hygiene” on the global agenda. Neglect of hygiene goes a long way in explaining, why water and sanitation programmed have often not brought the expected benefits. Public health importance of hand washing as well as its importance in reduction in some of the communicable diseases such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infection (ARI) has been highlighted in many studies. Main Aim and Objectives of the study include to Study the hygiene status among rural school children and to assess the school Water and Sanitation condition. A school based cross sectional study regarding personal hygiene and school sanitation was carried out at randomly selected four rural schools out of eight located in AJIMS field practice area pane-Mangalore. The study was carried out by using pre-tested semi structured questionnaire as well as interview cum observation. Out of 500 children examined 63.4% had good personal hygiene 9.6% had fair personal hygiene and 27% had poor personal hygiene. Out of the total, 31% of Children had Caries. 15% had fully blocked Wax in the ear. 21% had coated tongue. 11% had skin infections. This Indicates that more stress on personal hygiene practices like Oral Hygiene to avoid bad breath, trimming of nails, regular cleaning of ears, Washing of hands body and hair etc; frequently at regular bases in schools.

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