A study on drinking water quality analysis in rural places of west bengal | Abstract
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A study on drinking water quality analysis in rural places of west bengal

Author(s): Rajesh Ghosh*, Parikshit Roy, Sounak Bhattacharjee


Drinking water is the basic requirement for life and a determinant of standard of living. However, besides government efforts, supply and demand side factors of both surface and groundwater determine the level of drinking water available to people. The supply and demand factors increase with the natural and human factors like pollution. This limits drinking water supply provision and raises the delivery cost. Decline in groundwater table and availability of surface water, particularly in summer months are major problems. Poor water quality has also been observed in more number of habitations. Inadequate resource management and institutional system seems to be the major causes for the present problems. We examine the nature and magnitude of environmental problems, causes and impacts on drinking water supply. The study observes the different methods used to analyse the quality of water, also the diseases caused due to unsafe drinking water are discussed. Moreover remedial measures to promote safe drinking water are suggested.

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