A study of variations in the shape of coronoid process in dry adult human mandibles | Abstract
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A study of variations in the shape of coronoid process in dry adult human mandibles

Author(s): Meril Ann Soman*, Rani Nallathamby


Introduction: The coronoid process is one of the bony processes of the ramus of the mandible. It is a thin, triangular eminence, which is flattened from side to side. It varies in shape and size. The shape of coronoid process acts as an evolutionary marker. It is useful in anthropological and forensic studies. This study was undertaken to note the form of presentations of coronoid process and their incidence in the dry adult human mandibles. Method: The present study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore. A total of hundred adult human mandibles were included in the study which consisted of 62 male and 38 female mandibles. The shapes of the coronoid processes were studied bilaterally in all the mandibles and the incidence of the shapes were analyzed statistically in both male and female mandibles. Results: Three types of variations in the shape were evident. Triangular, hook shaped and rounded. Hook shaped coronoid process was found in 90 (45%) sides, round shape in 64(32%) sides and triangular in 46 (23%) sides. Conclusion: Knowledge regarding the morphological shapes of the Coronoid process is useful for the maxillofacial surgeons during reconstructive surgeries and can be used as a donor site for sinus augmentation. It is also useful in anthropological studies and in forensic dentistry.

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