A review on cost effective analysis of antiepileptic drugs | Abstract
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A review on cost effective analysis of antiepileptic drugs

Author(s): Uthara S.S., Mohammed Basheer, Anil Babu A.


80% of the epilepsy patients were resides in developing countries. 12 million patients with epilepsy were in India that is One-sixth of the global burden is due to epilepsy. Those diseases were treated properly there is a greater reduction in seizure and people may leads to proper life, if untreated that may become a large increase in burden. Drugs are the main treatment for epilepsy. As compared with conventional AEDs newer drugs are much expensive some newer drugs were 10 to 20 times costlier than older drugs. if those expensive drugs reduce the seizure events, improves the quality of life and with lesser ADRs then the benefit justify the higher cost of the drug. The epilepsy burden can be reduced mainly by giving epilepsy care at low cost, given the lack of expertise in the management of epilepsy in poor areas.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.9.6

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