A new medium for screening of gram negative bacteria in portable water. | Abstract
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A new medium for screening of gram negative bacteria in portable water.

Author(s): Mohamed Younes Abdelftah Hassan, Omar Abdelateef Omar Saad, Magda Hassan Mahran, Ahmed Ismail Madkour, Suliman S. Abdelrawaf, Idress Hamad Attitalla*


A series of laboratory experiments were performed to screen the presence of gram negative bacteria (coliform group) in drinking water to determine its suitability for human consumption and in clinical, pathological, and ophthalmology purpose. A new medium (Makka medium) with methylene blue as an indicator which inhibit Gram positive bacteria was developed, evaluated and used in the present study. Composition of this medium doesn’t contain lactose found as in m-Endo agar medium. Generally lactose is used by the bacteria during fermentation process but in Makka medium fermentation occurred in the absence of lactose which was recorded as the change in the color of the medium due to pH drift and Dipotassium phosphate dibasic serves as buffer and enhance organism’s growth (coliform group). In comparison with the commercially available synthetic media, Makka medium is unique in composition, economical, safe and easy to use for detection of contamination of drinking water with coliforms.

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